Planning Committee Meetings

Planning Committee Meetings

Planning Committee Meetings

Planning Consultancy


In instances where a delegated decision is not feasible or when a substantial number of objections pose challenges, the application necessitates presentation before a Planning Committee. Finn's boasts significant expertise in representing clients during these committee meetings, adeptly articulating concise and constructive arguments to secure favorable outcomes for proposed developments.

Our experience extends beyond supporting clients seeking approval; we are equally skilled at representing clients who wish to object to applications during Planning Committee meetings. Whether advocating for or against an application, our team excels in navigating the dynamics of committee discussions. We are committed to providing comprehensive representation, ensuring that our clients' perspectives are effectively communicated and considered during the decision-making process. By leveraging our expertise in Planning Committee proceedings, we work diligently to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients, whether in support of or in opposition to a particular application.