Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments & Conservation Area Consent

Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments & Conservation Area Consent

Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments & Conservation Area Consent

Planning Consultancy


Should your development involve a Listed building or fall within a Conservation Area, we strongly advise consulting with us prior to initiating any work. Undertaking work on a Listed Building without the requisite consent constitutes an offence, underscoring the importance of obtaining necessary approvals before commencing any activities. Additionally, development activities, including the demolition or removal of trees exceeding a certain size within a Conservation Area, necessitate specific consent, and we are readily available to guide you through the pertinent consent processes.

It is paramount to note that works pertaining to or in proximity to an Ancient Monument are subject to oversight by Historic England. Early engagement with them is essential to ascertain the level of support for your proposals. We emphasize the necessity of involving relevant authorities at the earliest opportunity to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and facilitate a smooth and lawful progression of your development plans.